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Desktop Version of WhatsApp is Now Available via Your Desktop Browser

WhatsApp has declared the launch of a new service called WhatsApp Web.

There are rumours and then there are thought-out rumours. WhatApp’s web version was the second one. We have been earshot about the web client of the the popular messaging app for a long time now. Yesterday, the company officially announced a web app that will turn your Google Chrome browser into a WhatsApp window.

WhatsApp has become outrageously all the rage around the world, with over 700 million monthly active users, and while we've come to rely on the app as much as the next person, we've never liked the fact it can be accessed only on the phone. Yes, there are some workarounds for getting WhatsApp on a PC, but if, like us, you hate shuffling between the mobile and PC at work just to be able to use WhatsApp, there's finally some good news.

Steps to use WhatsApp For PC

"Today, for the first time, millions of you will have the ability to use WhatsApp on your Web browser," the messaging app said via a blog post. "Our Web client is simply an extension of your phone: the Web browser mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device - this means all of your messages still live on your phone."

Simply head over to and as long as you are using Google Chrome, you'll be given a chance to scan a QR code on the desktop screen via the WhatsApp app on your mobile. Make sure you are using the latest version of WhatsApp on Android, Windows Phone, or BlackBerry. If you are using WhatsApp on iPhone or wish to use a browser other than Chrome on your desktop, you are out of luck.

One of the main boundaries of the app is its dependence on the mobile network, so if your phone dies because of the low battery, the web client won’t work either. However, it is just a start, we expect the company to add more feature and support for other browsers as well as iOS in coming months.

At the time of filing this report, the version of WhatsApp for Android that supports this element was still in the process of being rolled out, so it's possible you may have to wait a while to get your hands on this feature. If you are amongst the lucky few who've been able to get in, let us know your experience so far via the comments.

You will be able to do this when you will update WhatsApp application with latest version but actually WhatsApp update comes not yet in Indian Market, so let's see when it will be available.

Steps to use WhatsApp For PC


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