Some days before WhatsApp had announced one feature "WhatsApp for PC". But as far as my concern mostly people will not be glad because for using WhatsApp in computer, Internet is compulsory on Cellphone as well. If cellphone doesn't have Internet Connectivity so you cannot use WhatsApp in PC. Okay so here in this post I am going to define that how you can use WhatsApp in PC. First of all you need to just update WhatsApp application from play store. Then go to, Here you will see QR Code to Scan. See the below image. After that just follow these simple steps:- 1. Open Whatsapp application. 2. Just tap on Settings. 3. Select WhatsApp Web. After select WhatsApp Web option, your mobile camera will be open, Now you have to just direct the camera on QR Code. It will be scan with in few seconds and now you are logged in WhatsApp for PC.
Thank you very much to inform me
ReplyDeleteI just want to pray for effected people's and thanks for your news. I have found you are the first blogger for give the information about earthquake in Jabalpur.