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How to Learn English - Not so easy but will be

As we know ENGLISH is International language and every person who wants to survive in so called Cunning world so they will need to know two languages.

  • National Language
  • International Language

But when we talk about Indian so still there are amount of some peoples which is not comfortable with English, In simple words they're not Speaking ENGLISH or don't want to Speak.GOD KNOWS.I was one of them.
So here question is rising that why we need to learn English and why it becomes so tough sometimes.

You will get so many examples of that humans who hadn't been liking and speaking English but now we can say to them A good speaker of English. Especially English is bad dream for Indians and come into every next steps in their life, why we run, why we don't face it as it doesn't bad since we are already face so many scams in our politics. Ssshhhh

As far as English is concerned so it won't be difficult like as we can listen inspired songs from our So (No offense) unique composers. If you just leave it yourself in hand of English so it will make you flow in form of breath and show that World where you will be the Prince of confidence, smarter and top of the world.
There are so many ways to understand and will be good speaker of English.

Now, I am going to share my personal thoughts which I've got in middle of  learning English.

Message - No matter who is the receiver your moral responsibility should text in English so not only you but receiver will also bore Naaaaa okay will impress. Jokes a part it is the very easy way to sort out your first hesitation.

Subtitle - Now a days technology has come in every pocket as well as there only countable people which is not connected with Social Media I mean Internet and Personal Computer so Pal just search and download Subtitle but firstly for your favorite movies mine was Captain America and started to watch with subtitles.

Novel - Yeah !! Boring - But as you read as you will discover the Real English in Books only as I am Indian so I always prefer Indian writer. Chetan Bhagat is first on my list not only for 2 states but upcoming Half Girlfriend and Robin Sharma has got the second place but he got the gift directly from God ( Name won't be disclose ) LOL

English Songs - It doesn't mean that you just download Michael Jackson or Enrique because they've got very unique voice which is little bit be difficult for our type of Speaker ( I am serious )
Find that album which have sung by Indian singer. 

DD Rajya and Lok Sabha Episodes - What ??? Yes the same expression was mine at the beginning but honestly whenever you will try to focus to listen Speaker (Of course not sound system)  so you will get the vocabulary as well as bunch of new words and the main thing that how to scold in English (I know I am damn funny, no need to clap) 

News Paper - At the beginning you will be thinking that there are so many things to do in my life why I am tiding up in News but I can give you in Black & White that you will definitely will have been thinking from the beginning.
Okay dokey !! Yes, I can assure that If you will keep reading English News Paper as habit so no one isn't doing denied your English skills.

Now as my clock is watching me last for many minutes so this will be continue in my Second Post !!



  1. Well Rahul, I tried to grab your thoughts. You were giving more emphasis on your words to make it expressive. Not bad, but don't just flow with your thoughts. Take a break and meanwhile think for the next one. You need little improvement and I wish you best luck to achieve your goal. :)

    1. First of, thanks ever much for sharing your precious comment and for sure I'll more concentrate and be trying to convert my preparing into splendid. As long as I will have my blog reader cum mentor like you so will make play for achieving my goal.

      Thanks again for reading and commenting :)


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